Quote Garden Love Definition
Source(google.com.pk)Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
- Steven Wright
Does your face hurt? Cause it’s killing me!
Its not that you are weird…its just that everyone else is normal.
I was blinded by your beauty. I’m going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.
You’re funny…looking.
Dude. That wasn’t funny.
There is no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people.
By the time you have read this, you have already read it.
OMG! The sky is blue!
Yes, you have the right to your opinion, and I have the right to think you are stupid.
I was last seen wearing: THIS
I look like that one guy from that movie.
I’m not as think as you dumb I am.
OMG! The rains wet.
Surveys are showing that 3 out of every four people make up 75% of our population.
Dont worry about about the world ending today, its already tomorrow in Austrailia.
Don’t kiss behind the garden gate- love is blind but the neighbors ain’t!!
You spend your whole life thinking your on the right track, only to find out your on the wrong train
I am a bomb technician, if you see me running, try and keep up!
Take my advice,I don’t use it anyway.
It is better to let everyone think you are stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
I’m not perfect, but parts of me are pretty awesome!
Give me chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.
Imagine your life without me… Miserable huh?
Congratz, by reading this shirt you wasted 6 seconds of your life. I hope you’re happy.
Hey,you. Yeah you. No.not you.. That other guy. You right there! Yes,you..Do you like tacos?!
Some call it stalking I call it love.
Why do I end up liking the guy I can only think of.
I was uncool before being uncool was cool!
Get like you? naw Get like me.
I called your boyfriend g*y…and then he hit me with his purse.
When I said “I’d hit that” I meant with my car.
Go buy yourself a life on e- bay.
Few women admit their ages a few men act theirs.
If you truly love somthing set it free and if it doesnt return … Hunt it down a kill it !
I’m a Virgin…but this is an old T- shirt
If you expect the unexpected , then doesn’t that make the unexpected expected?
T shirt Quote: I saw this shirt in the store and I though it was cool it was only 10 dollars and when I got down to the middle of reading it I realized it had nothing to say but if it got people to look at my shirt I would buy it anyways, so now I got you reading my long shirt while i’m standing still but you’ve taken up to much of my time so bye.
I’m not 30 I’m 18 with 12 years of experience.
After twelve years of therapy my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, “No hablo ingles.”
Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013
Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013

Quote Garden Love Pictures Images Photos 2013

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